A lifetime ago I earned a teaching certificate, knowing that I never wanted to teach.
Then why earn it? you ask.
Who the heck knows! But I did.
At the time, all I knew was that I didn’t know what I wanted to “be” when I grew up. But I did know that I was good at sports and loved language (hence the Bachelor of Science in education focusing on foreign language and physical education). (*)
Fast forward to 30-odd years later, and there’s Sj working as a permanent substitute teacher in the middle of a bunch of mask-wearing 6th graders. (The official teacher chose to retire due to health reasons.)
In the midst of juggling those unexpected lesson plans — while treading water as fast as I could — I fell in love with those kids. As graduation time neared, and no one volunteered to edit their graduation video, I realized it had to be me. That official graduation video is not for public consumption. This short excerpt, however, is.
I am from my 6th grade past,
from Sponge-Bob attire and ti-leaf lei.
I am from rainbows up high and chickens down low.
I am from Kaua‘i nei.
I am from both A Groups and B.
from Do we come this Wednesday?
and Which class is your fave?
I am from two teachers: one retired and one who stayed.
Both are with me always, in ways I can’t explain.
I am from Black Ships Before Troy and Walk Two Moons.
From playing my classmate’s mother and wearing another’s shoes.
I am from four-square and kickball and Do we have to go INS?
That wasn’t fifteen minutes! Can’t we start again?
I am from Math time! andgroans all around.
From Can you turn the a/c on? And—the lights OFF as well?
I am from a body that’s changing and talks about b.o.
Remember Monkey Man Mayhem?
And rolling-on-the-floor with a drum?
I am from Kumu on Wednesdays and library who-knows-when.
It’s time, Ms. Sj! You forgot—again!
I am from the land of the Greeks:
fun Olympics and marching in sheets!
I am a poet:
Haiku and Cinquain
Future Me and ABC
Kilauea School
I am from lying on damp grass with my friends,
arms straight, bodies curled, feet toe-to-toe.
Be I in the land of Aloha or far from these shores,
My Vorpal sword is ever ready, my strengths at my core.
I am from
my 6th grade past.
• • •
Can I go to the bathroom now?
I hope you can!
Inspired by: George Ella Lyon
Written by: Sj Hylton LeHoven for her 6th grade class
May 21, 2021
(*) I can see now that I was already riding the Trust Train. I trusted that my teaching certificate would lead to something exciting . . . and it did. First, a job as a fitness director aboard a cruise ship, and then later a position as a permanent substitute teacher on the island of Kaua‘i — a job I never could have imagined enjoying.
(**) Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll