I love Scotland. I love the raw wild coastline and the kind people everywhere.
I love the trains; I love the boats.
Here are a few videos from a visit to Scotland this past fall.
*** Sj ***
p.s. there are more videos on my YouTube channel if you want to continue traveling virtually.
I was in heaven !!!
I spent 2-days in the area: one ON the train and one OFF. Each day was an utter delight.
Treat yourself to 3 1/2 minutes of calm beauty.
I spent 5-nights on the coolest vessel! I’ll post a link below to the company’s site.
If you’re ever able to board one of the vessels operated by St. Hilda Sea Adventures, do !!! There were only 8 people on this particular ship: the captain, chef, and 6 passengers. OMG am I ever glad I splurged and took this trip !!!
OMG . . . DOLPHINS !!! ;-) And I’m not in Hawaii !!! They live all over the planet, thank goodness.Can you feel my joy ???