The Pieces Make the Whole.

Jagged edges slide into grooves,       

a pattern of irregular shapes              

a pattern                                              

beautiful in its complexity.         


Heartache smoothed by grace.           

Bits of loss reformed.                         

The pieces make the whole.         



rigid and firm                                     

shattered to bits,                                  

by Grace reformed.                     


A new model.                                     

A new whole.                                     

The pieces make the whole.             


sj hylton lehoven — 17 may 2024
Sj, small kid time



                   right now,

                               I  celebrate

Me !!!

My capacity to love,

                   to accept,

                               to be in life,

as it is,

                   right now.

Trusting, trusting, trusting,

come what may.

sj – 16 october 2023

Mahalo Ke Akua

that’s my family — mom, dad, aunt, siblings and two best friends — moi ? front row, second from the left

It’s the process . . .

It’s always about the process.

Lake Titikaka, Peru
Lahaina fire August 2023

Maui Strong

Maui Strong, part of Hawaii Community Foundation, is the best place to make a donation to support the people of Maui.

Mahalo for supporting Maui and all of Hawaii.

Somewhere in Peru

It’s reassuring to know that I am simply the vehicle for my soul’s journey.

Not that I’m driving this vehicle, but I am the vehicle.

Destiny is the driver.

And when sadness brushes against my cheek, my heart swallows me whole.

Furry companions

greet me

at every turn.

Mahalo Ke Akua

Apu, my host while riding high above Cuzco, Peru